10 Simple SEO Tips | Organic Search Engine Optimization - Top Of The List
SEO often gets a bad name from those who are “experts”. The problem mainly is SEO can make you lots of money. The provider obviously profits, but if done right proper SEO creates profit too.
That leads to the 1st myth of SEO, and it’s a good start.
10 Simple SEO Tips | Organic Search Engine Optimization - Top Of The List
1. SEO Always Works
SEO can come cheap, inexpensive, and expensive. SEO can make you potential millions, or it can make you $100. SEO doesn’t always work, especially when you don’t use other tools – PPC, Email Marketing, Etc.—in tandem with the SEO campaign. SEO does work more often than not, but rarely can you just do SEO and ignore the rest.
2. Hiring Means It’s Taken Care of
You need to have a major part in your SEO campaign. It’s best to get a firm grasp of what’s to be expected. The good news is SEO is popular: there are thousands of good introductory articles on search engine optimization online. There is no reason to just jump in blind.
3. After One Month, You’re Done
Say you are a writer. You need to get some writing work, so you write one book or one article over the course of weeks/months. Then you stop writing and wait. Does that make sense? Neither does focusing on SEO for a few months and then thinking it will keep working. No, you need to constantly optimize and rework content, not because it’s bad but because competitors are changing too.
4. SEO Is Too Expensive
SEO has an abundance of experts, from consultants to copywriter, who do charge top dollar. Some charge little. Somewhere in the middle is best for small businesses. SEO is not too expensive, especially when you think of it as an investment. It will, more often than not, pay dividends.
5 SEO is a Get Rich Quick Scheme
SEO is going to be around for some time. There are many who promise too much, #1 On Google comes to mind. Most SEO companies have experienced workers who will help you make money over time.
6 SEO is Better than
PPC? Adsense? Adwords? Nope. SEO is to be used in tandem with other marketing efforts.
7. SEO is All About Percentage of Keywords
In some ways, yes, but relevancy is growing. With hundreds of millions of pages competing with you, simply using keywords isn’t enough. Some think getting a 2-4 percent ratio of keywords will do it. Relevancy, posting things that matter, is becoming more and more important.
8. SEO is For Web Focused Businesses
If you have a website, you need SEO. Sometimes you can do it yourself, but at least in the beginning hire out. Since you can make more money off your site than your retail store potentially, think of it as sending out a brochure to customers.
9. Flash Pages=Wasted Keywords
Flash pages do not hurt keywords percentage and therefore your SEO strength.
10. Linking to Major Sites Will Help Rankings
My last point is tough, but some bloggers go wild linking to other blogs and major sites, hoping for a major return. Sometimes it does work, but mostly this is a myth. Linking to major sites, say YouTube, doesn’t guarantee anymore hits, and is rarely worth the effort.
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Category: SEO
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