Earn Passive Income from a Blog - Make Money Blogging
Careers and jobs obviously drive the economy. Job listings are in just about every newspaper. Sites pandering to job hunters like Monster and dozens of others are the heavy hitters in this industry, but there is always room for the blogger to focus his writing skills and business sense to help someone else find a job. It’s a huge part of the capability of the internet, where posting jobs finds more results than the printed page. This guide offers the basics on building a successful career blog, from finding job listings to post to making money online doing it.
Make Money Blogging
Where Are The Jobs?
Many job hunters simply use search engines to find jobs to post. For instance, if you wanted a work from home job or even more specific a work from home accounting job, you’d find pages designed just for you. However, many pages will be far more broad, listings all the jobs in a certain area or field. It takes a lot of time to cut through the good from the bad, where to send your resume and who to send an email. That makes job finding bloggers incredibly important. They find specific jobs which look promising, post links and maybe some notes in their post, and hit a button. It makes you important, but it can be tough and tedious work.
How do you Post?
Some sites will post new jobs automatically. Bloggers usually do all this manually, entering in one job with a link and some notes on pay, then going to the next. It’s usually all in one post. You link with the job, usually offering a brief description. But you get no money from that link. Making money blogging in this field, however, is highly profitable.
Make Money Online
Job hunting is one of the biggest markets for passive income to be made. It’s simply about meeting a demand. And job hunters rarely find one site or blog they like and only look there. They search several, if not dozens, to find the best job blogs, bookmarking them. You want them to bookmark you.
Getting ad income is one profitable strategy. You can also link to book sellers with titles on popular topics … “Writing a Killer Resume in One Hour …” and so on. Sometimes, if it’s a focused niche blog, you can write eBooks or even offer your own resume, cover letter writing services. The potential for ads is great, but with so many job boards, you need to post at least once a week to truly profit. Some randomly post jobs amidst other articles too.
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Category: Make Money Blogging, Business Online
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